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News Of Madonna

Madonna aux Grammys 2023

Rédigé le Lundi 6 Février 2023 à 09:52 | Lu 25684 fois

Madonna a présenté la nuit dernière la performance de Kim Petras et Sam Smith "Unholy"

Qui d'autre que Madonna pouvait présenter le duo composé de Kim Petras (artiste transgenre) et Sam Smith (officiellement non bianaire) qui ont remporté le prix du meilleur duo pop ? Madonna qui se bat au coté de la communauté gay depuis qu'elle est en âge de le faire à délivré un speech inspirant : 
"Êtes-vous prêts pour une nouvelle controverse ? Voici ce que j'ai appris après quatre décennies dans la musique : s'ils vous traitent de "choquant", de "scandaleux", "problématique", de "provocateur" ou de "dangereux", vous tenez définitivement quelque chose.  Je suis ici pour remercier tous les rebelles ici qui pavent un nouveau chemin et prennent un retour de flammes pour tout cela. Vous devez savoir – vous tous les fauteurs de troubles – vous devez savoir que votre intrépidité ne passe pas inaperçue. Vous êtes vu. Vous êtes entendu et surtout, vous êtes apprécié."

Madonna aux Grammys 2023

Madonna aux Grammys 2023

Du plus récent au plus ancien | Du plus ancien au plus récent

175.Posté par Eric D le 10/02/2023 13:46
A propos de l’album MUSIC, il me semblait qu’il existait une Box collector, mais je n’ai pas trouvé ce qu’elle contenait

174.Posté par Red UCTIVE le 10/02/2023 13:33
Pour info, vu qu'on débat beaucoup ici de la façon des stars d'apprehender le vieillssement. Pamela Anderson fait la couverture de WWD sans maquillage. À 55 ans elle est superbe. Très raw.
J'aime la démarche make up free que je trouve plus saine.

173.Posté par Li0nel 😈 le 10/02/2023 12:43

172.Posté par Li0nel 😈 le 10/02/2023 12:35
Music c’était l’époque aussi où au collègue on me disait que Madonna c’est nul et Britney c’est mieux. Je l’aime beaucoup, mais faut pas deconner 😁

171.Posté par Cyril C le 10/02/2023 11:10
@Sylvie, Avec plaisir 😘😘😘

170.Posté par Li0nel 😈 le 10/02/2023 08:22
C’est vrai qu’il y a de nombreuses team Ray Of Light et team American Life mais entre les deux on parle rarement de Music. Un super album ! Je l’avais pour noël quand j’avais 12 ans. Je me rappelle que le single Music passait énormément sur Fun Radio alors j’écoutais beaucoup cette station à ce moment là. Je compte American Pie comme faisant partie de l’album car c’est l’une de mes préférée et je trouve qu’elle va bien dans le visuel country.

169.Posté par Sylvie JASPART le 10/02/2023 06:44
Merci Cyril C very much ♥️

168.Posté par Cyril C le 09/02/2023 22:54
De rien @JFP, j adore ce passage aussi, c est tellement vrai elle a tellememt de facettes différentes!!

167.Posté par Jean François P le 09/02/2023 22:31
Merci @Cyril C

J’aime bien ce passage :

« In the wake of the Grammys, people complain she no longer looks like Madonna, but which Madonna comes to mind? »

Très révélateur ; chacun veut une madonna (Sa Madonna) qu’il a aimée, préfèrée… mais comment au final peut elle satisfaire tout le monde …? Mission impossible 🤷🏼‍♂️

166.Posté par Cyril C le 09/02/2023 22:10
@Sylvie, @JFP J espere que l article ne prendra pas trop de place, enjoy😉....

Madonna’s New Face Is a Brilliant Provocation

By Jennifer Weiner Ms. Weiner is a novelist. Her most recent book is “The Summer Place.”

With blond braids looped over her ears, dressed in a long black skirt and black jacket accessorized with a riding crop, one of the best-selling female recording artists of all time stepped into the spotlight at the 65th annual Grammy Awards Sunday night. Madonna was there to introduce Sam Smith and Kim Petras, a nonbinary performer and a trans woman. She began by referring to her four decades in the music industry, and praised the rebels “forging a new path and taking the heat for all of it.” Was anyone listening? Social media’s loudest roars weren’t about her speech, her longtime L.G.B.T.Q. advocacy or her upcoming world tour. They were about Madonna’s preternaturally smooth and extravagantly sculpted face. All of Madonna’s features looked exaggerated, pushed and polished to an extreme. There was her forehead, smooth and gleaming as a porcelain bowl. Her eyebrows, bleached and plucked to near-invisibility. Her cheekbones, with deep hollows beneath them. The total effect was familiar, but more than slightly off. People noticed. “Madonna confuses fans over new face,” wrote The New York Post. People posted her picture side by side with that of Jigsaw from “Saw,” or Janice from “The Muppet Show,” and made jokes about “Desperately Seeking Surgeon,” while extremely online plastic surgeons hastened to guess about exactly what procedures she had undergone. Beyond the question of what she’d had done, however, lay the more interesting question of why she had done it. Did Madonna get sucked so deep into the vortex of beauty culture that she came out the other side? Had the pressure to appear younger somehow made her think she ought to look like some kind of excessively contoured baby? Perhaps so, but I’d like to think that our era’s greatest chameleon, a woman who has always been intentional about her reinvention, was doing something slyer, more subversive, by serving us both a new — if not necessarily improved — face and a side of critique about the work of beauty, the inevitability of aging, and the impossible bind in which older female celebrities find themselves.
Throughout history, many aesthetic interventions were meant to be subtle, invisible, private, whether it was Cleopatra slipping off to bathe in donkey milk, Queen Elizabeth I patting a toxic mixture of vinegar and lead on her face, or a 1950s housewife discreetly touching up her grays. Does she or doesn’t she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure! It wasn’t just hair dye. It was an entire industry, a panoply of things women wore and bought and did that no one was supposed to see or sense or know about. Corsets and underwire to snatch your waist and hoist your bosom. Cosmetics to conceal blemishes and blend seamlessly into your skin. And cosmetic surgery, nips and tucks that were meant to leave you looking like you just had great genes. To varying degrees it was artifice, smoke and mirrors and pretense; hours of labor and thousands of dollars, all meant to leave a woman looking effortlessly beautiful — like herself, only better. And, while there were exceptions — Marie Antoinette hairdos that defy gravity (and logic), Cardi B-esque Brazilian butt lifts that leave women with deliberately exaggerated silhouettes — for most women, for most of history, the watchwords have been subtlety, secrecy and shame.  
Madonna has always had a complicated relationship to that approach. She has reinvented herself, over and over again, from her arrival on the New York City club scene in thrifted bustiers, fingerless lace gloves and crucifixes, to her ascension to Hollywood royalty in her Marilyn Monroe “Material Girl” look. There was androgynous Madonna, dominatrix Madonna, hippie kabbalah Madonna, designer-chic Madonna, retro-disco Madonna and Madonna as Madge, cosplaying landed gentry while she raised her family in the English countryside. And of course no outfit could be more memorable than the birthday suit she wore in Sex, the book-length photography project she undertook with Steven Meisel. In the wake of the Grammys, people complain she no longer looks like Madonna, but which Madonna comes to mind? She’s been a blonde and a brunette, butch and high femme. She’s worn castoffs and couture. She’s adopted and abandoned an English accent. She’s shown us her roots and her underwear, deliberately putting the hidden parts on display. Every new version of Madonna was both a look and a commentary on looking, a statement about the artifice of beauty, and about her own right to set the terms by which she was seen. “I have never apologized for any of the creative choices I have made nor the way that I look or dress and I’m not going to start,” she wrote on her Instagram on Tuesday. “I am happy to do the trailblazing so that all the women behind me can have an easier time in the years to come.” The latest look is not altogether novel. Back in 2008, New York magazine declared: “Out with the gaunt and tight, in with the plump and juicy. There’s a new face in town — and it’s a baby’s.” The article’s prime example was Madonna herself, whose refurbished face it compared to a restuffed saddle. But fashion is fickle. In 2019, Elle reported that “toddler-round cheeks, tumescent pouts and immobile foreheads” were “officially over.” Last week, “The Cut” called it again, with a feature on how the “sexy baby” look died. Is it possible that Madonna has been so blinkered by her fame and wealth that she’s lost the ability to see herself objectively, like Michael Jackson pursuing an ever-thinner nose or Jocelyn Wildenstein doing … whatever it was she was doing? Yes, but whatever her intentions, the superstar has gotten us talking about how good looks are subjective and how ageism is pervasive. In the end, whether she meant to make a statement or just to look younger, better, “refreshed,” almost doesn’t matter. If beauty is a construct, Madonna’s the one who put its scaffolding on display.

Jennifer Weiner is a novelist. Her most recent book is “The Summer Place.”  

165.Posté par P B le 09/02/2023 21:55

164.Posté par E O le 09/02/2023 21:35
L'album Music... Je crois que je me souviendrai toujours de laa diffusion du clip pour la première fois à la télé. Ça m'avait gâché la journée ! Je la trouvais hideuse et je détestais ce retour à la Bitch attitude... Ett puis l'album est arrivé et j'ai adoré... Après la tournée était sympa mais sans plus. Il y a de l'énergie mais peu d'émotion... Comme j'aurais aimé une tournée époque Ray of light...

163.Posté par P B le 09/02/2023 21:27

162.Posté par INTO THE LISBON GROOVE le 09/02/2023 21:08

161.Posté par Jean François P le 09/02/2023 21:00
@ Sylvie J.
Désolé j’ai la mêle restriction, le journal me propose de m’abonner pour relire cet article que j’avais seulement survolé ; impossible donc de faire un copié-collé 🤷🏼‍♂️

160.Posté par Nobody's PERFECT le 09/02/2023 20:50
Je reecoutais Music, l’album, en rentrant du boulot, dans l’ordre et en intégralité. Mais quel album quand même ! Quelle production, c’est qu’on l’a tellement entendu qu’on ne fait plus attention mais je me suis repris une claque. Ça n’a pas vieilli du tout, ça ne ressemble à rien qui ai été fait avant ou après, tellement riche dans le travail des rythmiques et des voix, et dire qu’elle a sorti ce chef d’œuvre à 40 ans passés, vraiment quelle femme !!! Music , don’t tell me , gone , deserve it , impressive instant, paradise, nobody’s perfect…. Et cette pochette si iconique ! On ne parle pas assez de cet album ici.

159.Posté par Sylvie JASPART le 09/02/2023 18:38
J’aimerais bien lire l’article du NYT mais j’ai atteint la limite de ce que je peux lire gratuitement. Quelqu’un peut il le poster ?

158.Posté par INTO THE LISBON GROOVE le 09/02/2023 15:44

157.Posté par Jean François P le 09/02/2023 14:38
Instagram (😡)

156.Posté par Jean François P le 09/02/2023 14:37
Manson (et non « Mandin) correcteur de m….e

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