Son dernier album à peine sorti, le talentueux David Bowie nous quitte en ce début d'année 2016 après un combat de plusieurs mois contre le cancer, il venait de fêter ses 69 ans.
Madonna s'est dite effondrée et lui rend hommage sur son compte Instagram :
Madonna s'est dite effondrée et lui rend hommage sur son compte Instagram :

"Im Devastated! This great Artist changed my life! First concert i ever saw in Detroit! R.IP. #rebelheart"
"Je suis effondrée ! Cet artiste formidable a transformé ma vie ! Premier concert auquel j'ai jamais assisté à Detroit! Repose en paix"

"So lucky to have met you!!!! Hot Tramp I love you So! #rebelheart"
"tellement de chance d'avoir rencontré, je t'aime tellement"

"Talented . Unique. Genius. Game Changer. The Man who Fell to Earth. Your Spirit Lives on Forever! #rebelheart"
"Doué. Unique. Un génie. Quelqu'un qui change la donne. L'homme qui venait d'ailleurs. Ton esprit vit pour toujours!"
Voici en souvenir le discours de Madonna lors de la célèbre intronisation de David Bowie au Rock and Roll Hall of fame en 1996
Et voici l'hommage de Madonna sur son site Internet :
"I'm devastated.
David Bowie changed the course of my life forever. I never felt like I fit in growing up in Michigan. Like an oddball or a freak. I went to see him in concert at Cobo Arena in Detroit. It was the first concert I'd ever been too. I snuck out of the house with my girlfriend wearing a cape.
We got caught after and I was grounded for the summer. I didn't care.
I already had many of his records and was so inspired by the way he played with gender confusion .
Was both masculine and feminine.
Funny and serious.
Clever and wise.
His lyrics were witty ironic and mysterious.
At the time he was the thin white Duke and he had mime artists on stage with him and very specific choreography
And I saw how he created a persona and used different art forms within the arena of rock and Roll to create entertainment.
I found him so inspiring and innovative.
Unique and provocative. A real Genius.
his music was always inspiring but seeing him live set me off on a journey that for me I hope will never end.
His photographs are hanging all over my house today.
He was so chic and beautiful and elegant.
So ahead of his time.
Thank you David Bowie.
I owe you a lot. .
The world will miss you.
"I'm devastated.
David Bowie changed the course of my life forever. I never felt like I fit in growing up in Michigan. Like an oddball or a freak. I went to see him in concert at Cobo Arena in Detroit. It was the first concert I'd ever been too. I snuck out of the house with my girlfriend wearing a cape.
We got caught after and I was grounded for the summer. I didn't care.
I already had many of his records and was so inspired by the way he played with gender confusion .
Was both masculine and feminine.
Funny and serious.
Clever and wise.
His lyrics were witty ironic and mysterious.
At the time he was the thin white Duke and he had mime artists on stage with him and very specific choreography
And I saw how he created a persona and used different art forms within the arena of rock and Roll to create entertainment.
I found him so inspiring and innovative.
Unique and provocative. A real Genius.
his music was always inspiring but seeing him live set me off on a journey that for me I hope will never end.
His photographs are hanging all over my house today.
He was so chic and beautiful and elegant.
So ahead of his time.
Thank you David Bowie.
I owe you a lot. .
The world will miss you.