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News Of Madonna

Atsuko Kudo answers News Of Madonna's questions!

Rédigé le Samedi 21 Juin 2014 à 17:23 | Lu 3048 fois

Vous devez vous demander qui est Atsuko ? Et bien c'est une jeune designer d'origines Japonaises qui a crée son propre label éponyme : Astuko Kudo basé à Londres. Oui mais quel rapport avec Madonna ? On doit à Atsuko les tenues en latex que porte Madonna durant les 2 derniers photoshoot : Uomo Vogue & V Magazine. Toutes les créations sont faites en latex et chez NOM nous étions assez intrigués et nous avons décidés de lui poser quelques questions.

Why  the latex ? What are the possibilities of this raw material ? 
Latex empowers women (and someone between). Good latex makes you feel like a super woman. We want to make the world a shiny place.

Could you talk about your background ?
I am a Japanese who came to England to discover the wonder of Latex. I met husband Simon Hoare (who is co Director at Atsuko Kudo) behind the Sex shop next to our store. The story started from there.

You’re a fashion designer, when you were 19 years old you bought your first jumpsuit in latex what is your memory ?  What is your own definition of latex ? 
Yes. I saved up to buy my first latex piece. I loved everything about it. It's like a shiny second skin and gave me strength and thrill.

How do you  transform a  raw material which can be vulgar in a smart creation ?
We always trying to offer the best qualities and fit. Bad latex can give you the opposite effect. It’s easier to make models looks good but we manufacture for all sizes, genders and persuasions with the belief that latex is a beautiful fabric for anyone who wants to feel sexy and strong.

In general what are your inspirations ? 
Life & Beauty. If i find something beautiful, It is Love. I want to share the feeling.

Thanks to your creations Madonna is sexy, gorgeous and so powerful in 2 photoshoot (Uomo Vogue and V Magazine) beautiful photoshoot, according to you  what are the qualities of latex ?
We want to use it’s qualities of fit and shine to make latex help women to be beautiful, feminine and strong.

How did you imagine your collaboration with Madonna and how was it ? Did she choose the accessories or is it you ?  Was it different in V Magazine and for the Uomo Vogue ?
We are so thrilled to received the lovely call from Madonna. It was her personal request to have some Atsuko Kudo Latex pieces. As you know, She knows what she wants. She had clear idea and direction and she is hands on with her project. She is also very appreciative. Which makes her what she is.

How long was the photoshoot ? Was it exhausting ?
Unfortunately we were not on shoot. But I heard that they loved it all so I am very pleased.

Could you talk about the outfits and the accessories that Madonna wears for the photoshoot ? 
She wore Diana lace waspie, Betty suspender belt, Ladies Mask, Wrist Gloves for cover shoot of V Magazine, They are all part of our range  of accessories and lingerie (so not customised). They are available for all!

Atsuko Kudo answers News Of Madonna's questions!
We have a very important issue, for «Uomo Vogue» is her real breasts or that’s a fake ? 
We should keep it as a mystery ;)

According to you is the question of the age important ? Madonna is more criticized than Katy because of her age and because she wears latex, why is it shocking ?
Everyone has got a right to express themselves as long as you don't hurt anyone. Everyone is unique and special.  Madonna is a world famous pop diva so do you expect her to be dresses in woolly jumper with slippers?(That would be also fine if that's what she wants to wear ). I believe super star should be always unexpected, You don't know what she will do next? That's a true super star for me. We have dressed Grace Jones she is over 60 and she is super cool too.

What did you know about Madonna’s career before your collaboration ?
She is a strong female icon who made lots of culture changes.

Are you inspired about her ?
What she did for  females is massive. She pushed the boundary and changed the way of woman rights.
If you would have to create a new outfit for her next world tour or next video clip what do you imagine ?
It will be Super Feminine, Glam and Sexy !

You also work with Lady Gaga, what are their common points ?
Strong vision, Work hard, Very appreciative.

You worked with many famous artists from differents univers  : Fashion and Cinema, which one is your favourite ? Do you still want to dress the Queen of England ?
We are so lucky to be able to work with many fabulous people. Every work was very special, taught us a lot & lead us through here. Yes, one day I hope to be able to dress the Queen. Until then, Life is a lesson. try to be better.

Can you give us a piece of advice if we want to wear latex ?
You have to use talcum powder or lube to put on items, & you will polish the garment after you wore to make it very shiny. It's very ritualistic.  Latex is very new to many people so how to handle it is not well known so read the instruction before you start wearing it. If you do it properly it will be fabulous

Any words or comments for our readers ?
Enjoy what you do.

En savoir plus sur Atsuko Kudo

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